Monday, September 23, 2013

When its time to change!!!!

Many times we look at other people, we critique,we critize and we focus on flaws. Overwhelming negative emotions surface and yet we never ask ourselves why atleast I never did.For years I would look at fit and healthy people even friends and family and find things I didnt like even search for them, negativity would surface and I would chalk it up to them "somethings wrong with them" has to be them right??? How very wrong I was! It wasnt until with tears in my eyes I saw the reflection in the mirror and realized it was me! I was so very unhappy with me! It was time to change, real change, long gone are the days for excuses and easy way outs! At some point you have to realize you are running out of people to blame, circumstances to point to. When its all said and done all you have left is you. Ultimately you are responsible for where you are and where you are going to be. I was sick and tired of pointing the finger, sick and tired of being mad for no reason and sick and tired of thinking everything was out of my reach. May 2013 was the month when change began for me and when I started really living for the first time in years.


  1. Fantastic! Keep going on your lifetime journey! It can only be adventures from here on out! :)

  2. Loving the article!!! Keep it up!

  3. woo hoo!! that's awesome!! keep it up!
