Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What's your excuse??????

What's your excuse? This is such an important question that everyone must ask themselves. Find out what's holding you back from reaching your goals more importantly what are YOU USING as an EXCUSE that's holding you back from reaching your goals. For me the major ones were work and money. I work 40 plus hours a week I don't have time to work out I don't have time I don't have time I don't have time. Then there was I don't have the money for the gym simply a financial struggle to get fit or so I thought. I was pretty comfortable with those excuses, sounded good. It doesn't just pertain to weight loss either its life in general. Once you figure out what is important to you, you then have to figure out what is stopping you and you might even if you are honest with yourself find out its YOU! Once I set my mind to getting healthy I had to figure out how to get it done. First things first I tackled my excuses one by one. I have no time, if I work out right after work for an hour well look at that there is the time! I have no money, I found a gym it's not the best, not the flashiest but got the job done and 20 a month was affordable especially since I cut out fast food. We have to stop being comfortable in our excuses stop limiting ourselves. In order for anything to change in my life I had to get real with myself. This was not easy I was very content with the lies I would tell myself. Nice bodies are for the movies or entertainment industry, I just don't have good genes and then my favorite... well she has a personal trainer and chef. Something cliqued when I started to look at transformation pages on instagram... you weren't dealt a bad hand Lindsey Rojo you are just lazy!!!!! Yeah sometimes you have to be stern with yourself. I was lazy. I wanted to feel better so badly but NEVER I am talking NEVER did anything to get what I wanted. You have to put in the work. It's work and its work everyday not just to lose weight but to improve in all aspects of life. Just last week I found myself making excuses because I hadn't worked out and it took me a couple days but I realized I was falling back on old habits and said NO NO NO we aren't starting that again! Perfection isn't necessary but honesty is. Amazing things can happen when you let go of excuses, lies and stick to truth. Be good to yourselves!!!!!! Ill leave you with a little something something you can do at home for work out Wednesday to get the heart rate going!!! 20 seconds Burpees 20 seconds Rest 20 seconds Mountain climbers 20 seconds Rest 20 seconds High Knees 20 seconds Rest 20 seconds Jumping Jacks 20 seconds Rest 20 seconds Burpees 20 seconds Rest 20 seconds Mountain climbers 20 seconds Rest 20 seconds High Knees 20 seconds Rest 20 seconds Jumping Jacks Round 1 Done!!!! Try doing a couple rounds!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Finding a balance.....

There are not enough hours in the day! We have all felt this way. Whether it's working fulltime, im a mom and the list can go on and on. These past couple of weeks this feeling has definitely been in the air for me. I find myself becoming more overwhelmed trying to find the balance between work, personal life and my new passion for fitness and health. I even have caught myself saying I just dont have time to work out. Times like that you have to take a moment take a deep breath and put things in order. What are your priorities? What things are a MUST? Answer these questions and plan, plan, plan. So I had my little pity party...poor Lindsey she has to work full time and work out and now she wants to do awesome things with fitness waaah waah waah. After my temper tantrun I said this all can be done, this all WILL be done. I took a chill pill and made a plan :). Top four things in my life right now are my health, my job,my personal realtionships and finding out what needs to be done to eventually make fitness and health a career. So I had to do a mind reset. I had to adjust my thinking so that my energy was spent evenly and not one thing was suffering due to me not giving it its proper attention. I decided to be more flexible it doesnt have to be all or nothing if I need to stay later at work because I have things to get done I dont have to skip a workout all together I can instead of going to my normal classes I can do T25 at home for 25 min and still not neglect work or my body. Instead of feeling blah about my job because I have this new passion for health im using it as fuel if I give my job its proper attention and focus then it will allow me a bigger paycheck which will allow me the extra needed to get the certificates necessery to do what I want to do in health and wellness. Make a plan and make it work for you. "If you fail to plan you plan to fail" true words indeed. Nothing worth it is ever easy you MUST put in the work. We all have the same 24hrs we have to make the most out of it. Until next time stay healthy loves!!!! Fun nutrition fact: According to the University of Tennessee 37 percent of the population has such a weakened thirst response that symptoms of dehydration are routinely mistaken for hunger drink drink drink your h2o!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Man VS Food

Can I have a number 1 and make it a large with a coke....Sound familiar? I think I knew all the menus to every fast food restaurant. I ate terribly and thats putting it mildly! As a foodie this part of my journey was and still is although its gotten much easier the toughest for me. Diet diet diet yuck yuck yuck was all I thought. A world full of no and the ultimate breakup with my love soda :(.
I decided that food was no loger going to control me so this was going to be mastered this was going to get done time to put my big girl pants on and take control. So I started small. Soda once a week instead of every day, no picking up cookies cakes and chips on my way home to have for dessert or snacks after dinner. Ok I got this, time to step it up even more so instead of my regular bacon egg and cheese on a roll or mcmuffin breakfast I decided to tweak it I noticed that mcdonalds offered eggwhites so I switched to that. Now fast food is fast food and not good it just isnt, but these are baby steps I took to get to the place I am today. So I started following alot of clean eating instagramers and I realized screw Mc Ds I dont need that I dont need to eat there everyday.  Im making my own breakfast! With every small change I made I noticed I was getting results! Change is always easier when you see results. Motivation led me to read more about healthy options healthy alternatives the more I read the easier it was for me to leave junk a lone, to ask for a small coffee with 3 sugars instead of a large with 10 still cant believe I would have that many!!!!! You dont have to cut out everything over night if you take it one step at a time it will get easier everyday!  I dont believe in you cant have ever I believe in me deciding when, me not HAVING to have it, ME having CONTROL. Once you have that control you can enjoy, not overindulge and youll find yourself deciding you know what I could but I dont even feel the need to. Dont get me wrong im still a cheeseburger, fries and a milkshake kinda girl I just dont do it all the time I make it the exception instead of the rule. We live in a world of extra large,venti, go big...whats wrong with giving small a try start somewhere! Cutting down can start you on the right track then eventually due to cutting down somethings youll just decide to cut out :) below are few things that helped me and I hope they help you!
*drink water atleast 1 to 2 liters a day
*add veggie and fruits to your meals
*try cutting out box foods ie mac n cheese,stove top
*replace your normal cooking butter or oil with coconut or olive oil or even better cooking spray
*replace white bread with 100% whole wheat
*read read read!!! know your serving sizes
Stay healthy loves :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

When its time to change!!!!

Many times we look at other people, we critique,we critize and we focus on flaws. Overwhelming negative emotions surface and yet we never ask ourselves why atleast I never did.For years I would look at fit and healthy people even friends and family and find things I didnt like even search for them, negativity would surface and I would chalk it up to them "somethings wrong with them" has to be them right??? How very wrong I was! It wasnt until with tears in my eyes I saw the reflection in the mirror and realized it was me! I was so very unhappy with me! It was time to change, real change, long gone are the days for excuses and easy way outs! At some point you have to realize you are running out of people to blame, circumstances to point to. When its all said and done all you have left is you. Ultimately you are responsible for where you are and where you are going to be. I was sick and tired of pointing the finger, sick and tired of being mad for no reason and sick and tired of thinking everything was out of my reach. May 2013 was the month when change began for me and when I started really living for the first time in years.